Thuto Legacy School is an English medium private school, which strives to provide an environment in which educators and parents work together to guide learners to the fulfillment of their potential whilst nurturing them. The school is an initiative of highly professional, visionary, educated and an experienced people in the education sector. The school is registered with the department of education in the North West Province of the Republic of South Africa as a Combined private or independent school. The school is operating within the boundaries of all relevant acts relating to Education acts (108 of 1996) - Children's Act 38 of 2005 and Children's amendment Act 41 of 2007 - The South Africans Schools Act as amended (Act 84 of 1996) - Labor Relations Act (Act 66 of 1995) - The promotion of Access to Information Act (Act 2 of 2002) - Protection from Harassment Act 2010 No 17 of 2010 and lastly the immigration Law 2014 and other applicable provincial legislation in particular the School's Education Act 1995 and its regulations as gazetted from time to time. Thuto Legacy offer a full range of subjects accredited by the Department of Education ,Umalusi , Independent Education Board (IEB) and Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa. The school offers the Curriculum prescribed by by the National Qualification Framework (NQF) and is implemented according to the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) , Grade 12 learners may write Departmental National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination or the Independent Examination Board (IEB). The school was initiated on a strong foundation that will be of a greater benefits and to be inherited by the community where it is located. Ramotshere Moiloa (Lehurutshe in Zeerust).
Symbolism and meaning Thuto Legacy: This is a combined name in two languages which are; Setswana and English that represents a multi-lingual and multi-racialism. The Lantern: Represents our traditional method that we inherited of bringing the light to society . The rising sun: Represents the future. The flame: Represents a burning passion and desire to achieve. The hat: Represents achievement. The book: Represents wisdom and knowledge The Motto: Means “Education can have everlasting positive impact in our society”. The scroll: Represents a strong foundation. Olive branches: Represents light and peace based on Christian values
We offer classes from Grade R to Grade 12 in a very safe, free and congenial environment.
We have a well suited and class library that will help learners to access information more effectively with a free Wifi designed specifically for them to meet their educational needs.
We have a very professional teachers who are determined to build a better and educated generations of the future.
Our education model makes a provision for Quality Management & Quality Assurence, Curriculum Management at a Combined private Schhol level.Our school provides Education through an intergrated method of Teaching which have Contact Sessions, Formative and Summative Assessments. Through Professionalism we create a conductive environment for constructive and cooperative learning which is learner driven through research, individual and group Assessments. We have extra-curricular activities such as; Recreation, Sports, Arts and Culture.
THUTO LEGACY PRIVATE SCHOOL is a juristic institution that perform its functions in terns of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. Thuto Legacy is accredited and registered institution with; EMIS Number: 600105446 Registered Curriculum: NCS
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